Corn79 and Mrfijodor in recent months have been protagonists at various events: from Sao Paulo to Brazil, where they painted some of the walls of MuBE (Museu Brasileiro da Escultura) and the Cultural Center of CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos) at Street Art Museum in Ignazio Michelotti Park in Turin (former municipal zoo). In May they exhibited at the "Punto Due" gallery of Calice Ligure during the exhibition "1997 - escape from ordinary", while in July they participated in the collective "Beyond the city wall", shoulder to shoulder with artists of the caliber of Shepard Fairey " OBEY ". At the end of September, Corn79 and Mrfijodor, in the frame of the Picturini (Torino Mural Art Festival), will begin making a murals on the exterior facade of Hirosima Mon Amour, Turin's main music pole - of course the theme will be Music! On the occasion of the personal exhibition at the Square 23 Corn79 and Mrfijodor gallery they present a series of different works, in many respects opposi. An open dialogue between the two artists and the users, who through the works on display will see the origins of a common experience with muralism, graffiti, street. An experience now implicit, but always enclosed within the boundaries of the paintings exposed. The Corn79 geometric and moving figures cross the dreamlike color experiments and MrFijodor oxidations. Oppositions are not, in fact, only dialectics, but can be synthesized in the binary and parallel discourse that artists will propose to an audience, which, perhaps, will not contradict but mediate two complementary styles.